If you require a London-based night time emergency solicitor we operate a 24 hour
emergency solicitor service for people who have been arrested and are being held
in Police custody, and also for other urgent enquiries.
In such an emergency, please telephone us on the office number, 0207 831 9944, and
you will be automatically diverted to a member of our firm
It is critical for an arrested person to receive prompt and competent legal advice
at the police station from a top criminal defence solicitor both prior to and during
interviews by police.
Our emergency night time solicitor will be able to help an arrested person weigh
up the pros and cons of responding during police interview.
On the one hand, by not responding to police questioning, the arrested person may
receive negative judicial comments at any subsequent trial, but on the other hand
it can be important to maintain silence until the full scope of the prosecution's
evidence is known.